Definitions for "Bar Charts"
A popular format for studying the price action of currency pairs.
Graphical displays of the trading in a security, bond, index, option or average characterized by vertical lines connecting the high and low prices for a specific period (day, week, month, year). The close of the period is marked with a short crossbar on the vertical line. Price or level is scaled arithmetically or semi-logarithmically on the vertical axis. Time is marked on the horizontal axis at the bottom. Also at the bottom, the volume of trading for each period is indicated vertically as a histogram.
Bar Charts are constructed of the Opening, Highest, Lowest, and Closing price that occurred during the Time Interval of the bar. For Example, on a 30-Minute Bar Chart: The Opening Price for a given 30-minute time interval appears as a dash on the left side of a bar. The Highest Price reached during the 30-minute interval appears as the top of the bar. The Lowest Price reached during the 30-minute interval appears as the bottom of the bar. The Last Price or Closing Price at the end of the 30-minute interval appears as a dash on the right side of the bar.