Definitions for "Blackface"
Keywords:  burnt, cork, makeup, countenance, darky
the makeup (usually burnt cork) used by a performer in order to imitate a Negro
Makeup, usually burnt cork, used to mimic African Americans in minstrel shows.
Blackface is a style of theatrical makeup that originated in the United States, used to affect the countenance of an iconic, racist American archetype — that of the darky or coon. Blackface also refers to a genre of musical and comedic theatrical presentation in which blackface makeup is worn. White blackface performers in the past used burnt cork and later greasepaint or shoe polish to blacken their skin and exaggerate their lips, often wearing woolly wigs, gloves, tailcoats, or ragged clothes to complete the transformation.
Keywords:  sheep, hardy, stupid, fleece, tweed
The Scottish Blackface sheep produces wool with a staple length of 20 30 cm and of outstanding quality which is most suitable for tweed and carpet manufacture. See Appendix: British sheep breeds.
A particularly stupid variety of sheep with a rough long fleece and relatively light body weight but very hardy.