Definitions for "Blepharoplasty"
Keywords:  eyelid, baggy, lid, cosmetic, sagging
A surgical procedure in which the physician removes excess fat, muscle, and skin from either or both the upper and lower eye lids to redefine the shape of the eye. This procedure can be cosmetic or reconstructive.
Blepharoplasty is the procedure to remove excess skin from the upper lids and to remove fat, or reposition fat from the lower lids. Upper and lower lid surgery can be performed together or separately. There are several techniques that doctors use when dealing with lower eyelid surgery. It is important to understand the varying surgical options.
Cosmetic eyelid surgery, usually performed to counteract the apparent effects of aging upon eyelid tissues (bags and bulges). Wrinkles can also be reduced through blepharoplasty. These goals are accomplished by removing excess skin, fats, and muscle.