Definitions for "Broché"
Keywords:  shay, ric, fab, swivel, shuttles
(pronounced bro-shay). A silk fab­ ric similar to brocade. The small floral designs, which are quite separate from the background pattern, are made with swivel shuttles to resemble embroidery. The filler threads not in use are carried only across the width of the small design, and not across the entire back as in brocade.
Keywords:  skewer
Keywords:  burgh, town
burgh, town.
Keywords:  broach, see
See Broach, n.
Keywords:  velvet, satin, figure, woven, fabric
Woven with a figure; as, broché goods.
velvet or satin fabric with satin figure on face.
Keywords:  stitched, paper, cover, book, one
Stitched; -- said of a book with no cover or only a paper one.
paper covered