Definitions for "BURN-Proof"
Keywords:  underrun, sanyo, ruined, buffer, proof
(tm) Acronym: uffer nder n Proof Computers: A technology was developed by Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.® to combat the most common problem in burning CD's. If a data stream is interrupted while burning, the CD creation process is often ruined. BURN-Proof combats this by creating a seamless data stream.
buffer underrun proof, technology that helps eliminate buffer underrun errors by pausing and/or restarting the write process if the buffer gets empty. A buffer will empty due to the system handling too many tasks at once. The technology allows for using other applications while writing a CD. CD write drive and software must both support this feature for it to work. Plextor sells CD drives with this technology and are highly recommended.
Burn-Proof is a technology developed by Sanyo, which helps prevent buffer underruns.