Definitions for "Caenorhabditis elegans"
A normally self-fertilizing hermaphrodite soil nematode whose developmental genetics has been extensively studied. It is no more than 1 mm long. Loss of an X chromosome by meiotic disjunction leads to the production of males. The genetic basis of apoptosis was first shown in C.elegans in 1986. It has five equally sized chromosomes and it is the first animal whose whole genome has been sequenced (in 1998). The 97 Mbp genome contains 19,000 genes on 6 chromosomes. About 74% of human genes have their homologues in the C.elegans genome. Links to the C.elegans website and an introduction to C.elegans.
A microscopic roundworm, or nematode, used as a model organism to study genetics and development.
A nematode widely used in cell lineage studies.