Definitions for "CARROT SEED OIL"
Carrot Oil is rich in Beta Carotene, Vitamins A and E and Pro Vitamin A which helps to heal dry, chapped and cracked skin. Carrot Oil helps to balance the moisture in our skin, and it conditions hair.
An essential oil used in formulations to help quiet dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and rashes. Its high content of vitamins A, B, B2, & C relieves dryness in mature skin.
Daucus Carota Sativa. A thin, yellow oil distilled from ground seeds. Rich in Carotene and valued for its soothing, relaxing properties. It stimulates cell renewal as well as the sweat and sebaceous glands, and is a great benefit to mature or dry skin. Protects skin exposed to weather extremes and is indispensable for hikers, skiers and outdoor athletes. Helps to deter or reduce wrinkles. Has a heavy, woodsy, earthy, fruity scent.