Definitions for "Consubstantiation"
An identity or union of substance.
The actual, substantial presence of the body of Christ with the bread and wine of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper; impanation; -- opposed to transubstantiation.
Consubstantiation is from the two Latin words [ con], being the intensifying prefix meaning "with," and [ substantia], which means substance. This is the teaching of the communion supper often attributed to Martin Luther, wherein the body and blood of Christ coexist or are present "with" the elements or "substance" of the bread and wine. The prefix "con" means "with," hence consubstantiation refers to those who believe that they receive the body and the bread alongside each other. i.e., as the word indicates, "a combination of two substances." This is in contrast to Transubstantiation where the bread and wine are believed to actually transform into the actual the body and blood of Christ. In Consubstantiation they are still literally bread and wine. Though attributed to Martin Luther, many Lutheran minister today object to the use of the term consubstantiation. [ back