Definitions for "Copy Testing"
Tests to determine consumer response to advertising copy and more broadly, to the total content - written and visual - of advertisements.
the pre-testing of advertising copy for print advertisements, usually by giving respondents a portfolio of dummy advertisements in a magazine format and asking them to recall copy points; or the post-testing of advertising copy, usually by asking respondents to look through an actual magazine and then comment on advertisements they remember
Testing of an advertisement either before or after it runs, or both (e.g.. Ipsos-ASI Next*TV, Ipsos' global film pre-test product).
The use of two (or more) messages mailed to selected individuals in the same audience. By utilizing different codings on response forms, it can be determined which message drew the larger percentage of requests or orders.
A process of gathering input from a target group to help determine the effectiveness and appropriateness of written text. This can help predict the effectiveness of text in an ad or other published work.