Definitions for "Cork cambium"
A outer cylinder of meristematic tissue in plants that produces cork cells to replace the epidermis during secondary growth.
secondary area of cell division in the stems of woody plants that produces bark
The cork cambium is a synonym for phellogen. It is a cambium that forms in the cortex of the young stem and the pericycle of the young root. It then divides, as a typical cambium does, on both sides of the cambium. On the outer side about 4-5 layers of cells are formed. On the inside only one layer of cells is formed. The outer cells are called cork cells, the single inner layer is called phelloderm. All of these cells contain suberin, a waxy substance that makes the cork water proof. In the old stems, the cork cambium forms in the outer regions of the living phloem. DIAGRAMS: PHOTOS: 6-Year Tilia Stem