Definitions for "Cucurbit"
A vessel or flask for distillation, used with, or forming part of, an alembic; a matrass; -- originally in the shape of a gourd, with a wide mouth. See Alembic.
A gourd-shaped flask (oval body with a neck of greater or lesser length). When fitted to an alembic, the two form a distillation apparatus. Deckname, Decknamen: Literally, a cover name. A term used to hide the identity of a substance or thing; e.g., "hermaphroditical body" for regulis martis.
A vessel or retort*, originally gourd-shaped, used in distillation* and other chemical (or alchemical) processes, or for storing liquids, etc.,; It forms the lower part of an alembic*.
Keywords:  family, plant
any plant of the family Cucurbitaceae