Definitions for "DCG "
Delphi Compiler Generator
Deputy Consul-General
Deputy commanding general
Keywords:  fishfinder, garmin, depth, echo, gain
Depth Controlled Gain. A Garmin proprietary technology that automatically adjusts fishfinder sensitivity according to depth, not echo intensity. The result is a much more detailed and accurate picture of bottom structure.
See Depth Controlled Gain.
Data Coordination Group
Defence Consultative Group
Diagnostic Cost Group
Keywords:  grammar, clause, definite, refers
Refers to Definite Clause Grammar.
Keywords:  syntax, template, framework, xml, easy
DCG is a dynamic code generator that can write any text-based output like programming languages, HTML, XML, etc. It provides a very powerful yet easy syntax for template writing. The dynamic code is based on the power of .NET Framework.
Keywords:  guide, concentration, derived, doe
DOE's derived concentration guide