Definitions for "dramatization"
The theatrical presentation of products.
a necessary sense-making device in organizations. The ‘theatrical' quality of much organizational life, whereby events are brought together so that coherent messages and meanings can be delivered.
The theatrical presentations of products. Draw - A form of monetary compensation paid in advance of commissions earned and then applied against the balance of future commissions earned-- can be recoverable or non-recoverable... generally used to guarantee personal cash flow to an individual who does not earn a salary.
the acting out of an engram in its entirety or in part by an aberrated person in his current environment. Aberrated conduct is entirely dramatization. For example, a woman receives an engram in which she is kicked in the side and told that she is no good, that she is always changing her mind. At some time in the future, this engram could be reactivated and the woman might experience a pain in her side, feel that she is no good or get the idea that she is always changing her mind. This would be a dramatization of the engram.
a scenario designed to demonstrate a point
Keywords:  representation, act
Act of dramatizing; a dramatic representation.
Keywords:  story, conversion, play, short, form
conversion into dramatic form; "the play was a dramatization of a short story"