Definitions for "Dysphemism"
an offensive or disparaging expression that is substituted for an inoffensive one; "his favorite dysphemism was to ask for axle grease when he wanted butter"
an offensive substitute of something inoffensive
In language, both dysphemism (from the Greek “dys” δυς = non and “pheme'” φήμη = speech) and cacophemism (in Greek “cacos” κακός = bad) refer to the usage of an intentionally harsh word or expression instead of a polite one; they are rough opposites of euphemism. “Dysphemism” may be either offensive or merely humorously deprecating, while “cacophemism” is usually deliberately offensive.
Purposefully unpleasant or objectionable language. For example, Jason's calling the North Carolina statute on official state qualities "crap."