Definitions for "EFW"
Estimated Fetal Weight. An estimate of how much the baby weighs (in grams) that is calculated by a mathematical formula using the BPD, HC, AC, and FL. Ultrasound estimated fetal weights are not as accurate as many people believe. Trying to estimate the weight of a fetus based on ultrasound measurements is the equivalent of trying to estimate a woman's weight by knowing her dress size. You can get a "ballpark" number, but it's not going to be exact. An ultrasound EFW has a built-in error (Standard Error of Mean) of 15-20% depending on how far along the pergnancy is at the time of the ultrasound.
Keywords:  freedom, economic, world
Economic Freedom of the World
An acronym for Electronic Funds Withdrawal. It is a debit transaction communicated via the Automated Clearing House.