Definitions for "electric charge"
charge. A property used to explain attractions and repulsions between certain objects. Two types of charge are possible: negative and positive. Objects with different charge attract; objects with the same charge repel each other.
An imbalance of atomic particles. Atoms are made up of particles that have positive or negative charges; when they are balanced (an equal number of electrons and protons), there is no electrical charge. If there are extra electrons, there is a negative charge, and if the atoms are missing electrons, there is a positive electric charge.
the quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative) and construed as an excess or deficiency of electrons; "the battery needed a fresh charge"
The quantum number that determines participation in electromagnetic interactions.
Keywords:  absence, excess
An absence or excess of electrons.
Keywords:  field, source
a source of an electric field
same as electricity{1}.