Definitions for "Epimere"
One of the segments of the transverse axis, or the so called homonymous parts; as, for example, one of the several segments of the extremities in vertebrates, or one of the similar segments in plants, such as the segments of a segmented leaf.
A lateral fold of a somite's integument dorsal to the limbs. Sometimes called the pleurite or tergal fold.
The original mesoderm differentiates into three sections. The epimeric mesoderm is the most dorsal region. It separates longitudinally into discrete clumps of mesoderm termed somites. Each somite is further split into dermotome, myotome, and sclerotome segments. The dermotome and myotome frequently remain connected for some time (as in ) and are referred to as a dermomyotome. Epimeric mesoderm is ultimately fated to further differentiate into dermis, body muscles and vertebrae.
Keywords:  early, development, terms, see
See Early Development Terms.