Definitions for "Free Time"
The time allowed shippers or receivers to load or unload before demurrage, detention, quay rent or storage charges accrue.
The time allowed by the carriers for the loading or unloading of freight after which demurrage or detention charges will accrue.
The period of time cargo will be held for pick up at the port of discharge before storage charges are applied.
Free time, in the sense of "freedom to," is electrifying and beautiful. Free time in the sense of "freedom from," however, is merely restful and relaxing. The former is another way of saying "leisure" or "idleness," that state of being in which actions are performed for their own sake; the latter is another way of saying "vacation," or "recess," which are simply those scheduled (and mandated) periods during which work is suspended, so we androidized human beings can recharge our batteries. The former, then, is true freedom; the latter, slavery under the guise of freedom. See: IDLENESS, LEISURELY, RECESS, RECUPERATE, RELAX, VACATION, WORK.
to that is free for leisure activities
Français : Temps de pause Deutsch : Freizeit Time during which the DRIVER is not under the authority of the management.
time when you are free to do things that you enjoy
Free time is a type of time signature. It is used when a piece of music has no discernible beat. Instead, the rhythm is intuitive and free-flowing.
Keywords:  intentionally, blank, left, space
n. This space intentionally left blank