Definitions for "GBL"
Keywords:  bruxelles, lambert, groupe
Groupe Bruxelles Lambert
Keywords:  butyrolactone, gamma
gay boylover Less clear than it sounds. Gay could mean an attraction to young men (or even full-sized men) in addition to boys, it could indicate someone's affinity for gay culture or society, or it could simply mean that the BL in question does not feel part of everyday, "straight" society, with no indication of age attraction.
is the multipart document used to procure freight charges and related activities with commercial carriers.
Graded Benefit Life. A life insurance policy which provides limited benefits for certain causes of death. In the first two years, the benefit paid for nonaccidental death is a refund of premiums plus a percentage stated in the contract. In the event of accidental death, the full face amount is paid.
Abbreviation for "Government Bill of Lading."