Definitions for "Hawthorne Effect"
A term used in research to describe changes in the subjects' behaviour caused by the researcher's presence or by the subjects' awareness of being studied.
A distortion of research results caused by the response of subjects to the special attention they receive from researchers. 'Hawthorne' is the name of the factory where the effect was first observed and described.
The term "Hawthorne effect" is used to explain situations where an experiment cannot be trusted because the very fact that the experiment is taking place is influencing the results obtained. This reminds us that programme staff and beneficiaries can behave quite differently from their normal patterns if they know that they are being observed. See also natural observations.
Keywords:  elton, mayo, concern, concluded, better
When members of the treatment group change in terms of the dependent variable because their participation in the study makes them feel special—so they act differently, regardless of the treatment.
A term produced as a result of an experiment conducted by Elton Mayo whereby he concluded that expressing concern for employees and treating them in a manner which fulfills their basic human needs and wants will ultimately result in better performance.
From a study conducted at the Hawthorne Plant of Western Electric Company in 1927-1932 which found that the act of showing people that you are concerned usually results in better job performance. Studying and monitoring of activities are typically seen as being concerned and results in improved productivity.
Homogeneous market Human resource accounting
Improved process data that results from process operators who know their process performance is being measured and exercise more care in the execution of the process than would normally be done
The concept that every change results (initially, at least) in increased productivity.