Definitions for "HERUT"
Political movement in Eretz Israel established in 1948 by the Irgun-Zevai Le'ummi to continue as a parliamentary party with the ideals of Vladimir Jabotinsky.
Literally "Liberty." The political party formed by revisionist Israeli leader Menahem Begin after creation of the state of Israel. Their slogan and anthem was "There are two banks to the Jordan" - claiming Transjordan for Israel as well as all the land West of the Jordan. Herut merged with other parties and evolved to the Gahal party and later to the Likud.
Herut (Hebrew: חרות "Freedom") was the political party of the Revisionist Zionist movement in Israel. It was conservative and nationalistic and became the main opposition to the Israeli Labour Party. Herut was led from its inception in 1948 by Menachem Begin and after 1983 by Yitzhak Shamir.