Definitions for "Holdup"
Keywords:  robbery, gunpoint, highway
a robbery, usually at gunpoint.
highway robbery{2}.
Keywords:  ducks, trick, delay, notrump, regains
a delay.
A type of ducking play used for the purpose of cutting opponents' communication in the suit. In a holdup, a player delays taking a trick until opponents' entries are reduced.
the act of delaying; inactivity resulting in something being put off until a later time
the fraction of the total volume of the borehole sampled by the measurement device that contains a particular phase; more specifically, oil holdup, water holdup, and gas holdup. Horizontal Direction Drilling - a trenchless construction technique, which uses guided drilling for creating an arc profile. See HDD Services
Refers to the volume fraction of a specific fluid phase in the upward moving flow stream; e.g., water holdup; oil holdup.
In a producing well, the volume fraction of a specific fluid phase (e.g., water holdup, oil holdup) in the upward moving flow stream. The relative quantities of the fluids produced at the surface are related to the holdup and upward velocity of each phase.
Keywords:  violence, threat, sure, crime, remember
The taking of money or property by threat or the use of force or violence.
the taking of money or property from another by violence or threat of violence. Remember that the crime section of your policy is subject to specific definitions if holdup is required; be sure it's covered.
Amount of liquid retained by a piece of equipment when the equipment is emptied.