Definitions for "Human Papilloma Virus"
A virus that causes warts generally found in the anal and genital area. Symptoms: Bumpy warts on or near the anal and gential area.
A virus that is the cause of warts of the hands and feet, as well as lesions of the mucous membranes of the oral, anal and genital cavities. More than 50 types of HPV have been identified, some of which are associated with cancerous and precancerous conditions. The virus can be transmitted through sexual contact and is a precursor to cancer of the cervix. There is no specific cure for an HPV infection, but the virus often can be controlled by podophyllin (medicine derived from the roots of the plant Podophyllum peltatum) or interferon, and the warts can be removed by cryosurgery, laser treatment or conventional surgery. See also Cervical Cancer; Condyloma.
A group of wart-causing viruses which are also responsible for cancer of the cervix and some anal cancers.