Definitions for "Humorous"
A matchcover category usually showing a humorous slogan or design, rather than humor related to an advertisement. Sets include the 1958 Metalart Sets, Nebbishes Set, Monogram of California Prison Set, Chicago Match Space Set, Tip 'n Twinkle Sets, and others.
Full of humor; jocular; exciting laughter; playful; as, a humorous story or author; a humorous aspect.
full of or characterized by humor; "humorous stories"; "humorous cartoons"; "in a humorous vein"
Subject to be governed by humor or caprice; irregular; capricious; whimsical.
Keywords:  impartial
Keywords:  watery, moist, humid
Moist; humid; watery.
Keywords:  weak, spell, needs, hold, word
Humor us and spell this word "humorous": the [r] is so weak, it needs an [o] on both sides to hold it up.