Definitions for "Hussites"
Keywords:  bohemia, heretic, jan, john, taborites
Christian religious movement founded by Jan Hus (1369-1415) in 15th century Bohemia and declared heretic; one branch, the Taborites, established a Commune based on collective ownership in the city of Tabor.
The followers of John Hus; considered heretics by the Catholic Church. Though their center was in Bohemia, some of them were to be found in the northern Balkans, particularly in Srem. (Fine, John V.A. Jr. The Late Medieval Balkans, 623)
Inspired by the preachings of Jan Hus, whose own ideas were based on the teachings of John Wycklif, the Hussites demanded radical Church reforms, speaking out against simony, the sale of indulgences, and various other abuses of the clergy. Hus' martyrdom at the Council of Constance in 1415 provided a focal point for Czech nationalist feelings and led to armed revolt in Bohemia.