Definitions for "Inhibitory"
A neural synapse or weight that is negative such that activity in the source neuron encourages inactivity in the connected neuron.
Modifying, inhibiting, or suppressing the action of (an)other neuron(s); reducing the probability that a post-synaptic neuron will fire.
A message that may refrain neurons from polarizing during the neurotransmission process. Reference: B2
Of or pertaining to, or producing, inhibition; consisting in inhibition; tending or serving to inhibit; as, the inhibitory action of the pneumogastric on the respiratory center.
restrictive of action; "a repressive regime"; "an overly strict and inhibiting discipline"
Keywords:  dampening, exerting, effects
Exerting dampening effects
Shutting off or decreasing brain electrical activity; causing nerve cells to stop firing.