Definitions for "IPD"
Investment property databank. An independent information business which supplies market indices and portfolio benchmarks to the property industry.
is the Investment Property Databank Ltd, a Company that produces an independent benchmark of property returns.
Invasive pneumococcal disease. Serious disease caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae invading a usually sterile site, such as the blood (to cause bacteraemia), the membranes of the brain (to cause cerebral meningitis), and/or the spinal cord (spinal meningitis) and the lungs (to cause pneumonia).
implementation parameter descriptor. A descriptor that describes the dynamic parameters used in an SQL statement after any conversion specified by the application.
See Implementation Parameter Descriptor (IPD).
Keywords:  dilemma, iterated, prisoner
Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma
Integrated Product Development
Installed Products Database. Describes the products that are installed on any given host (or within an alternate root). Installed product information is created by swinstall, and managed by swremove. The contents of an Installed Product Database reside in a directory structure with a single common root.
The Installed Products Database.
Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis
Interspinous Process Decompression. An operation in which an implant, called the IPD, is placed between your spinous processes.
Interaural Phase Differences. Interaural Time Difference (ITD) Interface
Abbreviation for interpupillary distance.
Implicit Price Deflator. The ratio of the current-dollar value of a series, such as GDP, to its corresponding chained-dollar value, multiplied by 100.
Institute of Policy Development
Institute of Personnel and Development, now CIPD..
Input Price Differential. The difference between the telecommunications industry and economy-wide input price growth rates.
Keywords:  participant, individual, data
Individual Participant Data
Individual protective devices