Definitions for "ITE"
Independent Trading Exchange. Often used synonymously with B2B, e-marketplace, or Virtual Commerce Network (VCN). ITE is a more precise term, connoting many-to-many transactions, whereas the others do not specify the transactions.
See Independent Trading Exchange.
Independent Trading Exchange. Often used synonymously with B2B, e-marketplace or Virtual Commerce Network (VCN) Exchange is a more precise term, connoting many-to-many transactions, whereas B2B can be too many.
Institute of Terrestrial Ecology
Inherit The Earth, a game based on the SAGA engine
Institute of Transportation Engineers
Internal Terminal Emulator. ITE allows use of a bitmapped display as a terminal (through command-line mode from the login screen).
Interactive Television Entertainment
an abbreviation for In-the-Ear hearing aid. This is the second largest type of hearing aid and fills out the outer space of the ear.
Abbreviation for information technology equipment.
Keywords:  teacher, initial, education
Initial Teacher Education
Individual Transferable Effort