Definitions for "Kuroyume"
Keywords:  hitoki, kiyoharu, bassist, omi, nagoya
Visual rock band formed in 1991 by Kiyoharu, Hitoki and Shin. After Shin left the band they continued their activities as a duo, until they disbanded in 1999. Kiyoharu went on to form the band SADS [ official sads site
Kuroyume (黒夢) was a Japanese rock group that formed in Nagoya during May 1991 and lasted until 1998, initially consisting of lead singer and founding member Kiyoharu, guitarist Omi and bassist Hitoki. They began as a visual kei group, and carried these roots throughout their career with continued emphasis on appearance and packaging. The band had an extensive influence on the visual kei scene, being credited as inspirations by many of the bands of the late '90's visual kei boom.