Definitions for "machismo"
A strong, and by some considered exaggerated, sense of manly pride, associated with an attitude that the proper expression of masculinity includes virility, courage, and an entitlement to dominate, especially over women.
An exaggerated sense of power entitling one to dominate others; as, the civilian authorities occasionally need to rein in the military's machismo.
from the Spanish word "macho" meaning "strong and manly." Machismo is a strong, even exaggerated sense of masculinity expressed by Latin American men. In most Latin American countries, machismo shapes the way men relate to women.
Machismo is funk/R&B group Cameo's the 1988 followup to their smash album Word Up!. The album featured R&B hits "You Make Me Work" and "Skin I'm In", both of which have been issued on various compilation albums. Despite these hits and the Miles Davis collaboration "In the Night", the album makes blatant attempts to cash in on the popularity of its predecesor.