Definitions for "MCAC"
Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee. The MCAC advises CMS on whether specific medical items and services are reasonable and necessary under Medicare law. MCAC members perform this task via a careful review and discussion of specific clinical and scientific issues in an open and public forum. The MCAC is advisory in nature, with the final decision on all issues resting with CMS. Accordingly, the advice rendered by the MCAC is most useful when it results from a process of full scientific inquiry and thoughtful discussion, in an open forum, with careful framing of recommendations and clear identification of the basis of those recommendations. The MCAC is used to supplement CMS's internal expertise and to ensure an unbiased and contemporary consideration of "state of the art" technology and science. Accordingly, MCAC members are valued for their background, education, and expertise in a wide variety of scientific, clinical, and other related fields. In composing the MCAC, CMS is diligent in pursuing ethnic, gender, geographic, and other diverse views, and to carefully screen each member to determine potential conflicts of interest.
Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee. The MCAC advises the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on whether specific medical items and services are reasonable and necessary under Medicare law. The MCAC is used to supplement CMS's internal expertise and to ensure an unbiased and contemporary consideration of "state of the art" technology and science.