Definitions for "Multilink"
a link that points to more than one targets
a RedDot symbol for linking the link elements Container and List to several pages in the SmartEdit mode
A suspension set up with 3 or 4 arms (links) and no struts. The longer the arms, the greater the travel for the axle and the straighter the drive-line angle.
Keywords:  isdn, paring, ras, modem, remote
A capability of Remote Access Service (RAS) to combine multiple data streams into one network connection for the purpose of using more than one modem or ISDN channel in a single connection. This feature is new to Windows NT 4.0.
the paring up of two ISDN connections for the transmission of a message unit
Keywords:  multiuser, dumb, hanging, serial, ports
a software product that will allow you to run multiuser, with dumb terminals hanging off of the serial ports