Definitions for "NIBRS"
the National Incident-Based Reporting System, a new form of the UCR that will collect data on each single incident and arrest within twenty-two crime categories.
Is a incident-based reporting system in which data is collected on each single crime occurrence. NIBRS data is designed to be generated as a byproduct of local, state, and Federal automated record systems.
National Incident Based Reporting System. An incident-based reporting system, run by the FBI, through which data is collected on each single crime occurrence. NIBRS data is designed to be generated as a by-product of local, state, and federal automated records systems. NIBRS collects data on each single incident and arrest within 22 offense categories made up of 46 specific crimes called Group A offenses. Specific facts are collected for each of the offenses coming to the attention of public safety agencies. In addition to Group A offenses, there are 11 group B offense categories that only report arrest data. NIBRS is expected to eventually replace UCR.