Definitions for "OMake "
Keywords:  manga, bonus, story, impro, absurdly
Japanese word meaning "extra". It refers to extra things that are submitted to go along with a particular impro, such as artwork or side stories. "Omake" usually refers to stories in particular, as contrasted with fanart.
Bonus animation included on a videotape or DVD; a close American equivalent would be the animated shorts once commonly used to front movies. This bonus animation often features superdeformed characters.
extra. Creators frequently add small, funny, and occasionally surreal stories onto manga or anime. Characters will act absurdly, go super-deformed, etc.
OMake is a build system with a similar style and syntax to GNU make but with many additional features, including support for large projects spanning multiple directories, default configuration files simplifying the standard compilation tasks, support for commands that produce several targets at once, fast, reliable, automated, scriptable dependency analysis using MD5 digests, portability, and buil