Definitions for "Oomycota"
(Gr. ôon: egg; mykês, mykêtos: fungus) n. A phylum of the Protoctista that includes the water moulds, downy mildews, and potato blight (Phytophthora), formerly classified as a class of fungi (Oomycetes). They are coenocytic and the cell wall is made of cellulose. Oomycotes are either saprotrophic or parasitic; they feed by extending hypha-like threads into the food source or host's body. Asexual reproduction is by means of flagellated zoospores, which are released from a sporangium. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of an antheridium and an oogonium and results in the production of a zygote, which can develop a wall of chitin and become a resistant oospore.