Definitions for "Oregon Grape Root"
Oregon grape root is frequently used by herbalists as a blood cleanser and to stimulate the liver and gall bladder. In addition, Oregon grape root isused as a mild laxative.
As A Treatment"...of Oregon grape include: acne, arthritis, bronchial congestion, chronic fatigue, eczema, hepatitis, herpes, hypoglycemia, indigestion, lymphatic congestion, menstrual problems, psoriasis, scrofula, syphilis, and vaginitis..."
As A Treatment"...The root soaked in warm beer was said be helpful for cases of hemorrhaging and jaundice..."
Has a proven strong bacteriacidal effect. Used for treating the mucous membranes, especially in cases of uterine and vaginal infections. Has been shown effective against escherichia coli, staph, strep, and tuberculosis as well as curing a water borne disease called giardiasis