Definitions for "Organon "
An organ or instrument; hence, a method by which philosophical or scientific investigation may be conducted; -- a term adopted from the Aristotelian writers by Lord Bacon, as the title ("Novum Organon") of part of his treatise on philosophical method.
The Organon of Medicine is the title of Samuel Hahnemann's book outlining the principles of homeopathy. Hahneman was the “discoverer” of modern homeopathy and his book was written in six additions over a thirty two year period. The final addition was finished in 1842.
a system of principles for philosophic or scientific investigations; an instrument for acquiring knowledge
Keywords:  tailored, perl, editors, alone, easily
Organon is a project manager that uses the Perl/Tk module. It is written for those who use stand-alone editors to write their code but would like to have a tool to manage the file groups they work with. It can be used with any programming language, and it can be easily tailored to match your needs.
a set of directions or instructions about how to do something with doctrines and rules included for proceeding