Definitions for "Phytate"
A chemical complex (large molecule) substance that is the dominant (i.e., 60 to 80%) chemical form of phosphorous within cereal grains, oilseeds, and their by products. Monogastric animals (e.g., swine) cannot digest and utilize phosphorus within phytate, because they lack the enzyme known as phytase in their digestive system, so that phosphorus (phytate) is excreted into the environment. When phytase enzyme is present in the ration of a monogastric animal, at a high enough level, the monogastric animal is then able to digest the phytate (thereby releasing that phosphorus for absorption by the animal).
A substance found inside the husk of whole grains and cereals that binds certain minerals making them unavailable.
One of the five chemical classes of Anticarcinogens found in soy. Phytate's antinutrient effects may help prevent cancer.
Keywords:  phylic, phytic, anionic, ester, acid
An anionic form of phytic acid occurring in the leaves of plants.
A salt or ester of phylic acid.
a nonnutrient component of plant seeds.