Definitions for "Pleomorphism"
The property of crystallizing under two or more distinct fundamental forms, including dimorphism and trimorphism.
The theory that the various genera of bacteria are phases or variations of growth of a number of Protean species, each of which may exhibit, according to undetermined conditions, all or some of the forms characteristic of the different genera and species.
existence of variant forms in the same species or strain of microorganisms
(biology) the appearance of two or more distinctly different forms in the life cycle of some organisms
This word just means that the nucleus of the cells are variable in shape. Again the more variable and bizarre looking the worse. back to pathology report
1. In fungi: Having more than one independent form or spore stage in the life cycle. () 2. In general: An inherent variability in size and shape (e.g., among the cells in a pure culture or clone of a given organism). ( 16)