Definitions for "PNL"
Abbreviation for Pacific Northwest Laboratory, a multi-program national laboratory operated for the DOE by Battelle Memorial Institute. Its mission is to conduct research and development to meet national needs in energy, environment, the economy, and national security. See the PNL Web site.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, operated for DOE by Battelle in Richland, WA.
Programmation Neuro Linguistique
Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica
See Percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
Also known as percutaneous nephrolithtomy. A method for removing kidney stones through keyhole surgery using an instrument called a nephroscope.
Keywords:  paranasal, sinus
paranasal sinus
The Open Source Probabilistic Networks Library is a tool for working with graphical models. It supports directed and undirected models, discrete and continuous variables, various inference and learning algorithms.
Communication between PCB and panel interrupted
Detects down hole audio frequency and amplitude variations due to fluid movement.