Definitions for "PROC"
Keywords:  weapon, sword, chance, slash, lightning
Short for "process" - the term given to the "chance to hit" of special abilities and effects on weapons in the game
When a special ability on a piece of equipment activates by chance; e.g. with a fire sword with a 10%% chance of doing additional fire damage, the weapon would proc when that activates.
Proc refers to the process of a Weapon, processing an effect upon dealing damage.
Keywords:  roc, subtracting, ago, charts, vision
Price rate of change for a given stock (also referred to as "ROC"). PROC is calculated by subtracting the price a certain number of weeks ( weeks) ago from the current price, and then dividing the result by the price weeks ago. PROC is one of the indicators available through the Vision charts features.
Keywords:  predicate, mode, particular
a particular mode of a predicate.
Keywords:  republic, china, people
People's Republic of China
Collection of JCL steps that can be executed together, as if it were a program.
Keywords:  randomly, stack, item, spell, extra
a spell, so will stack with an item
Process on action. An item that has proc will perform some extra ability randomly.
The /proc directory is the mount point of the proc filesystem, which provides information on the system's processes.
A procedure. A set of job control statements, stored as a cataloged procedure.
Industrial Process Supply. Includes uses of water for industrial activities that depend primarily on water quality. These uses may include, but are not limited to, process water supply and all uses of water related to product manufacture or food preparation.
Keywords:  language
The procedural language.