Definitions for "Procuration"
The management of another's affairs.
The instrument by which a person is empowered to transact the affairs of another; a proxy.
A sum of money paid formerly to the bishop or archdeacon, now to the ecclesiastical commissioners, by an incumbent, as a commutation for entertainment at the time of visitation; -- called also proxy.
Procuration (Lat. procurare, to take care of) is the action of taking care of, hence management, stewardship, agency. The word is applied to the authority or power delegated to a procurator, or agent, as well as to the exercise of such authority expressed frequently by procuration (per procurationem), or shortly per pro., or simply p.p.
customary fee paid by a monastery to the official visitor
Keywords:  attorney, power
Power Of Attorney
Keywords:  act
The act of procuring; procurement.