Definitions for "Propriety"
linked to regularity, it is the further requirement that expenditure and receipts should be dealt with in accordance with Parliament’s intentions and the principles of parliamentary control, including the convention agreed with Parliament (and in particular the Public Accounts Committee).
Linked to regularity, it is the further requirement that funds must be handled in accordance with Parliament's intentions and Parliamentary control.
The extent to which an evaluation will be conducted legally, ethically, and with due regard for the welfare of those involved in the evaluation as well as those affected by its results.
Propriety defines how civil servants can properly and effectively present the policies and programmes of the government of the day. The following basic criteria apply to all government communications activities: It should be relevant to government responsibilities It should be objective and explanatory, not biased or polemical It should not be - or liable to be - misrepresented as being party political; and It should be conducted in an economic and appropriate way, and should be able to justify the costs as expenditure of public funds.
The extent to which the evaluation has been conducted in a manner that evidences uncompromising adherence to the highest principles and ideals (including professional ethics, civil law, moral code, and contractual agreements).
That which is proper or peculiar; an inherent property or quality; peculiarity.
The quality or state of being proper; suitableness to an acknowledged or correct standard or rule; consonance with established principles, rules, or customs; fitness; appropriateness; as, propriety of behavior, language, manners, etc.
correct or appropriate behavior
Individual right to hold property; ownership by personal title; property.