Definitions for "PSWD"
"Pulsed Shortwave Diathermy" - See Types of Electrotherapy.
Pulsed Short-wave Diathermy. An electrotherapy modality whereby an electromagnetic field is introduced to the body to facilitate healing. Q-Angle The Q-Angle refers to the 'quadriceps angle', which is a measurement of patellofemoral joint mechanics. The Q Angle is measured at the intersection of two lines: one drawn from a bony point at the front of the hip to the mid-point of the knee cap and the other from the mid-point of the knee cap to the insertion point for the Patella tendon, at the upper part of the shin. Research has shown that this Q Angle can be areasonable estimate of the muscle force vectors (direction of muscle pull) over the patellofemoral joint. Further research has suggested that there is an increase risk of PFP if the Q Angle greatly exceeds 15 degrees. Radiograph An x-ray image.