Definitions for "QCad "
Keywords:  cad, linux, dxf, gpl, beginner
QCad is a powerful but easy to use 2D CAD program for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. It uses DXF as its standard file format. While other CAD packages are often rather complicated to use, QCad tries to stay comfortable, and even an absolute beginner can create professional drawings with a minimum of effort.
QCad is a simple 2D CAD system for Unix and Windows. It offers basic support for the construction and modification of CAD drawings. Please note that QCad 1 is no longer being developed. Have a look at QCad 2 instead:
QCad is a computer-aided design (CAD) software package for 2D design and drafting. It is available for Linux, Mac OS X, Unix and Microsoft Windows. Qcad community edition is released under the GPL license.