Definitions for "Quadrate"
Having four equal sides, the opposite sides parallel, and four right angles; square.
Produced by multiplying a number by itself; square.
Square; even; balanced; equal; exact.
Also known as "quadrant." A configuration of four souls who work together over many lifetimes toward a common goal of experience. The positions of a quadrate are Love, Knowledge, Power, and Support (or compassion).
Also known as "quadrant." A configuration of four souls who work together over many lifetimes. The positions of a quadrate are love, knowledge, power, and support (or compassion). The first and third positions are strongest.
Keywords:  cubelike, object
a cubelike object
Keywords:  bone, skull, jaw, joins, fish
The quadrate bone.
The bone that joins the upper jaw of a fish to its skull
To adjust (a gun) on its carriage; also, to train (a gun) for horizontal firing.