Definitions for "REIMS"
a city in northeastern France east of Paris; scene of the coronation of most French kings; site of the unconditional German surrender in 1945 at the end of World War II
Reims (alternative English spelling Rheims; pronounced in French) is a city of the Champagne-Ardenne région of northern France, standing 144 km (89 miles) east-northeast of Paris. It was originally founded during the period of the Roman Empire.
A country-specific, cost-based international postal terminal dues system that has replaced the CEPT system (Conference of European Posts and Telecommunications) in 16 European countries, with the notable exception of The Netherlands. REIMS countries receive higher terminal dues payments from other REIMS countries than do non-REIMS countries. These higher REIMS terminal dues come closer to reflecting the actual costs of mail delivery within the receiving country than do non-REIMS dues.