Definitions for "Resistive"
Keywords:  fft, easiest, spectra, sine, capacitive
exhibiting or relating to electrical resistance; "resistive load"
refers to a touch screen technology comprised of a thin metallic layer that conducts and resists electricity. It causes a change in the electrical current when touched and send it to the controller for processing. Resistive touch screens are the most common of the three types and are less expensive and are not damaged by dust or water but they are not as clear. See Capacitive and SAW.
Purely resistive loads are the easiest to switch. Contact life is maximized when switching purely resistive loads because contact erosion is minimized. /\ Spectrum: The spectrum is the result of transforming a time domain signal to the frequency domain. It is the decomposition of a time signal into a collection of sine waves. The plural of spectrum is spectra. Spectrum analysis is the procedure of doing the transformation, and it is most commonly done with an FFT analyzer.
disposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority
Keywords:  serving
Serving to resist.