Definitions for "RPU"
Keywords:  marti, ickup, ecpa, stl, emote
emote ickup nit. RPU frequencies are sometimes called "Marti" frequencies, after a brand of equipment commonly used for remote broadcasting. ECPA prohibits monitoring of RPU frequencies unless they are being used for two-way radio communications. This refers to dispatch-type operations and not to live interviews. (see Live, STL)
Remote Pickup Unit
Rate Proceedings Rate setting is a key function of the Iowa Utilities Board. By law, the Board must assure that customers receive adequate service at a reasonable price. The Board must also allow sufficient income for the utilities to maintain reliable service and assure sufficient earnings for its stockholders. The jurisdiction of rate setting extends only to certain larger utilities within Iowa. Municipal utilities and rural electric cooperatives (except those which choose rate regulation) are subject to Board review of their service only. Rate proceedings are designed to uphold the previously mentioned obligations when the Board investigates a company's rate increase proposal. Such proceedings usually last about ten months. During this time, local consumer comment hearings permit customer feedback. Technical hearings, similar to courtroom hearings, also take place. Testimony is presented and expert witnesses are cross-examined by the company, Consumer Advocate, and intervenors. At the conclusion, the Board may approve the company's request in full, approve some of it, or disallow any increase at all.
Keywords:  rescue, ladder, pump
Rescue Pump Ladder
Keywords:  delta, revenue, protection, unit
Delta's "Revenue Protection Unit"