Definitions for "Satpurush"
Guru for a spiritual aspirant. Aksharbrahma by form and the living embodiment of Parabrahma Purushottam. Through whom God remains ever-manifest, passing on His divine energy and experience, love and guidance to all beings on earth. The continuing lineage of God-realised Satpurushes ensures that the gateway to liberation and God is forever open for all seekers. Surrendering to him, striving to obey his commands, and developing profound love for him is the root of all spiritual endeavours. Synonymous in the Vachanãmrut with Sant, Bhakta, Ekãntik Bhakta, Ekãntik Sant, Param-Bhãgwat, Param-Bhãgwat Sant, Param-Ekãntik Sant, Purush and Sadguru.